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Use your social skills on this World Happiness Day.

The International Day of Happiness, recognised annually on March 20 by the UN, was first observed in 2012.

 The United Nations designated March 20 as the International Day of Happiness in 2012, and it is celebrated worldwide every year. Although happiness is subjective, it generally refers to a state of contentment, satisfaction, and fulfilment. 

Use your social skills on this World Happiness Day.

The theme of International Day of Happiness for this year has been kept as "Be Mindful, Be Grateful, Be Kind." According to psychology, happiness is an emotional state that individuals may experience either in a narrow sense, such as when good things happen in a particular moment, or more broadly, as a positive assessment of one's overall life and accomplishments, known as subjective well-being. 

A simple act of kindness can bring joy to someone's day and put a smile on their face.

Five ways to make someone smile

Give them a genuine compliment: A compliment can instantly uplift someone's mood and make them feel good about themselves. Try to notice something positive about them and express it in a sincere way. 

Tell them a joke: Laughter is contagious, and telling a funny joke can instantly put a smile on someone's face. Make sure the joke is appropriate and not offensive. 

Share a funny video or meme: If you come across a funny video or meme that you think the other person might enjoy, share it with them. It's a quick and easy way to make them smile. 

Do something kind for them: Acts of kindness can go a long way in making someone smile. It could be as simple as bringing them their favorite snack or holding the door open for them. 

Listen to them: Sometimes, all a person needs is someone to listen to them. Show that you care by giving them your undivided attention and listening to what they have to say. This can make them feel valued and appreciated, which can lead to a smile.

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